Sep 16, 2014

Research Complete!

Yay! Finished up the final part of research today. [The 'Other' category] and downloaded a bunch of clips.  I always have a hard time finding worthwhile video when it comes to news and current events for the year, so it's really helpful when contributors offer suggested links. Big thanks to 'GTH V-Com' for some great links in this section.

This final part of research is all about the leftover stuff that didn't fit into any of the other category's.  News and current events of the time, toys, gadgets, fads, books, and... well just about anything really.

Every time I release a new Remember video I can guarantee it will get a few comments along these lines:  "There's much more to a year than just music, movies and 5 news events!?"  If I took these comments too seriously, I would end up with a very different product, packed to the gills with news, sports and politics.  But these videos were only ever intended to be about pop culture with a smattering of current events thrown in for some context.  That might be shallow or whatever but it is what it is.  They're not meant to be a thorough historic look at the world at that time or anything.  If that's what you're after, you'll have to look elsewhere.

So, how do I decide what makes it in? 
Only the biggest and most world reaching items are going to make it in.  That usually means disasters [unfortunately.]  We've got earthquakes, plane crashes and wars happening this year.  Politics are not usually going to make it in because the rest of the world couldn't care less, but there was a certain presidential scandal that shook the whole world this year [and for some reason, people worldwide know the exact quote.]  Some pretty cool space stuff happened too,  Viagra was released... That sort of thing. [Not sure what will make it to the final vid yet though.]

Since they are primarily about pop culture, it makes sense for some pop culture related news to feature.  Lewd acts in public toilets and memorable Grammy moments for example could make it into the video ahead of less 'shallow' news perhaps.

Sports are a nightmare!  Everyone thinks their favorite moment should feature, but to others; it's just some guy kicking/throwing/hitting a ball and means nothing to them.  I could quickly fill the video up with so many great sports memories that there wouldn't be room for anything else.  On the other hand, if I only include a few sports I'll be asked 'where's my favorite sport?'  I tried to include the world cup one year, but was scolded that I should have included more great moments from the world cup, not just one! The same thing happened with formula one racing... So, I've been burned by sports too often and I only plan to include the winter Olympics this year.  And stick to worldwide sporting events only for future vids.

O.K. you get the idea.  This post is long enough already [and no pictures :( ] so I'll leave it at that.  Next I can finally start some actual work;  mixing the music!


  1. Yea that's a good idea. I'm considering it.

  2. I dunno, Charmedone9805 already used that to end
    his video and I advise that you don't repeat what others
    are doing. But that's just an opinion.

  3. Thanks for the shout out! :D I usually just do basic research
    through sites like ThePeopleHistory and Infoplease then go
    through YouTube to find the best related clips.

    Oh, and one "event" I forgot from my list is the "WoW! Chips"
    fiasco with the chips that included the experimental fat substitute
    olestra and was pulled from the market due to causing irritable
    bowl syndrome. It's a weird inclusion but it's a pretty infamous
    example of corporate food recalls and it would interesting in the
    video. :)

  4. You have a point there i cant really think of anything the hair gel thing from there's something about mary lol or maybe a commercial or something about the WoW! Chips
