Jul 28, 2014

Video Gaming in 1998

According to a very helpful post by McLaglen over at the REMEMBER blogspot page,  1998 was a very important year for video games!  Sure enough if you google '1998 video games' you get results like these:  1998: Gaming's Greatest Year   1998 was the Best Year in the History of Gaming  and  Was 1998 The Ultimate Year in Video Gaming? 

Back to looking at lists for me.  Game Rankings is helpful but often has the dates wrong so everything needs to be double checked.  Wikipedia comes through again with a list of possibly every game released this year.  It's difficult to know which games should be included just from looking at these lists though,  especially if you weren't particularly in the know at the time.  That's why lists of the best games of the year are more helpful,  such as Unikgamer's. 

It was the original Playstation/Nintendo 64 era, and game developers had just hit their stride with the new 3d polygon based technology as opposed to the old 2d sprites of previous consoles.  This new technology was really starting to shine with titles like Metal Gear Solid, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time,  Resident Evil 2 and the original Spyro the Dragon.

Home computers had the original Unreal as well as Starcraft, Baldur's Gate and the revolutionary Half-Life.

The unstoppable Pokemon Red & Blue came out on Gameboy,  and the Gameboy Color was released a little later in the year.

So, a big year for gaming and tons to include in the video!

Jul 9, 2014

co-op idea abandoned

Thanks everyone who commented.  Several good points were made and I've decided not to go ahead with the idea.  As you were...

Jul 4, 2014

throwing a spanner in the works

I've decided to change things up a bit.  Here's the idea, let me know what you think:

Quite a few people have had a go at making their own 'Remember' videos with decent enough results.  Where they fall short is with the song transitions.  But guys like Charmedone9805 are able to crank these 'Bootlegs' out at an incredible rate, while I'm lucky if I have enough spare time to get one done in six months!

So,  what if I were to focus my attention on just mixing the songs and then passing it on to someone else to complete the video editing.  That way I could get started on mixing another year's songs while the video editing is being completed.  Hopefully that will speed things up some.

I've contacted Charmedone9805 and he's keen to try it out, so we're going to give it a shot with 1998 and see how it goes.  This means I can get started on mixing the music right away,  and that's what I intend to do straight after I finish this post!

Let me know in the comments what you think of the idea.  Take another look at some of the bootlegs and feel free to be brutal if you want.  We can take it.

If you're one of the other bootleggers and you'd like a piece of this action hit up the comments also. Cheers.