Jul 4, 2014

throwing a spanner in the works

I've decided to change things up a bit.  Here's the idea, let me know what you think:

Quite a few people have had a go at making their own 'Remember' videos with decent enough results.  Where they fall short is with the song transitions.  But guys like Charmedone9805 are able to crank these 'Bootlegs' out at an incredible rate, while I'm lucky if I have enough spare time to get one done in six months!

So,  what if I were to focus my attention on just mixing the songs and then passing it on to someone else to complete the video editing.  That way I could get started on mixing another year's songs while the video editing is being completed.  Hopefully that will speed things up some.

I've contacted Charmedone9805 and he's keen to try it out, so we're going to give it a shot with 1998 and see how it goes.  This means I can get started on mixing the music right away,  and that's what I intend to do straight after I finish this post!

Let me know in the comments what you think of the idea.  Take another look at some of the bootlegs and feel free to be brutal if you want.  We can take it.

If you're one of the other bootleggers and you'd like a piece of this action hit up the comments also. Cheers.


  1. I'll be completely honest, I'm not a fan of this idea. I think what's cool about all these bootlegs is that it illustrates how other people may take a given year. My, charmedone, and cartoonguy's respective takes on 1993 is a huge testament to this. Cartoonguy even has his own unique style to doing his videos. As for myself and charmedone, our styles are based off of your style, though we each still had a much different takes on 1993. I included TV show themes and songs from movies that charmedone didn't include, and charmedone included TV shows, movies, and video games that I didn't include. Clips from given TV shows and movies also differed between our videos. For example, I had a "Youtube Poop Origins Showcase" that I don't think anyone else would've thought of.

    What I'm trying to say is that if you were to go through with your idea and just mix the music tracks while you would let someone else do all the video editing, it really wouldn't feel like your video. REMEMBER 1998 would feel like charmedone's video with track mixing done by thepeterson.

    See, I don't think that we should be discouraged to do a given year just because someone else has already done it. I mean, charmedone has already done the rest of the 90s, but I'm sure your takes on each given year he's done would be much different, because you have a different take on each year. I would have a much different interpretation of each year, as would cartoonguy, Richard Nevarez, etc.

    If you want to go through with your idea, go ahead, it's your choice, and I'll still watch the video. However, count me out of any future videos, as I wouldn't feel right doing them.

  2. I agree with the above, it wouldn't be the same. I don't mind the bootlegs and they give us a hint of what to expect I guess. I also think that the bootlegs have a little to much 'America' in them in terms of sports and news (not dissing on America). Again, it's your choice, but I don't mind waiting, it just hypes up the excitement.

  3. Good comments so far. Thanks to both of you, you've got me thinking. Anyone else want to weigh in? For or against? Also, do you mind waiting several months between official vids?

  4. I'm also against the idea. I agree with the other Anonymous with saying that there is to much Americano in the bootlegs. Such as Remember 1981 with all of the sporting events from America for instance, and many of the bootlegs from Charmedone9805 with news events (although there are some other, non- American news with his videos like the Hoddle Street Massacre in 1987, that ocean plane crash in 1996 and the Indian earthquake in 1993). I noticed in the comment that, in terms of songs, people say 'but it was released in the US in....' when it was released the year prior in other countries, such as Savage Garden's 'Truly, Madly, Deeply' which was released in Australia in 1997, but they said that it was released in the US in 1998.... America isn't the only country that went through each year..... It's not that I don't like America, but I'd prefer that these videos weren't all about them, which you, thePeterson, have made sure hasn't happened. You check the UK singles chart, and others as well which I really appreciate. Songs that didn't do well or even chart in America May have charted big in various other countries.

    So yea, long story short, I think you should continue with the official videos, despite the wait because at the end of the day, it's worth it!

    1. I think that is because most, if not all of us bootleggers are from the United States, so there's going to be a little bit of that bias in terms of inclusions of songs where the year of release differs between countries. Also, different videomakers have different rules when it comes to song inclusion. thepeterson, for example, currently includes songs based on the year of release, while others such as myself may go with when the song peaked on the charts.

      As for events, I think that is also because of the same bias of most of us bootleggers being from the United States. I'd say this is also because we don't have the same luxury as thepeterson of running a website where others can give us suggestions. Granted, we can always look at the comments section of each year, but usually, people don't begin suggesting more international events until after an announcement of THIS YEAR IS CURRENTLY IN PRODUCTION, which is probably why we didn't start seeing more international events included until REMEMBER 1994, which was the first video made after the website had been up for a while (Technically, 1990 was the first, but the website had only been up for a few days when that video was released, and not a lot of people knew that 2006 was being made until a couple weeks prior to that video's release).

      Now, I will take your critique into account and look for more international events to include in my next video (which is 2005). As for the songlist, well, I already have chosen all the songs I'm going to include, but for any future videos after my 2005 video, I'll do my best to rectify that. Research on music charts is a bit hard, especially when you're relying on Wikipedia (Unfortunately, there were no 2005 charts on the Top 40 Charts website.)

    2. this should help out with US singles but i also suggest you check dates as well

      also doing a Google search helps im sure there are other sites that will show songs from that year

  5. I'm not really sure about this idea. I'd prefer you do it on your own
    so it would be in your distinct style. I'm very patient on these things
    and wouldn't mind the wait.

  6. You guys make alot of good points on here and i respect all your comments and ideas. when it comes to my videos i add in songs when they were at or near their peak and i stick to when the song was a hit doesn't matter what country it was released in if it was a hit there first it will be in that video. Also if i were to work on this video all id be doing is putting the videos together the mixing would be done by him so all the songs and everything thePeterson would be doing that.
