Nov 11, 2014

The work continues...

I've just been slowly working away and thought it was about time for an update.

I've got a huge list of stuff in front of me and I've got to squeeze as much as possible into the video.  Right now I'm dealing with the biggest films of the year and spacing them out across the mix,  then I'll go back and add more content in the gaps.  Eventually, after many passes, when there's no gaps left it'll be done!

A huge amount of time is spent just deciding on a clip to use.  Sometimes I've already got an idea of what I want,  other times I've never even seen the movie!  Occasionally the clip I originally downloaded is no good.  Either poor quality or there's just nothing worth using in it.  When that happens I have to go and source a better clip.

Here's TrakAx in all it's glory.  Notice all the gaps in the mix that I'm slowly filling in.

I try to have transitions happen at the same time as the beats of the music.  Your brain likes it this way,  it makes everything seem right with the world!  But I'm at the mercy of the music videos a bit.  They chop and change all over the place and I have to work in with them.

The actual placement of clips is partly random and partly purposeful.  Certain song lyrics are just asking for certain film clips to play alongside them. Usually to humorous effect! [err.. well, at least humorous to me...]

I probably should mention the video editing software I'm using;  It's called 'TrakAx.'  It's nice mid range video software that might not be quite as powerful as the expensive high end editors,  but its far more advanced than other 'home user' type editors out there.  It's not without a few annoyances, but mostly it's a joy to use and very, very stable, which is kinda important when you're throwing hundreds of video clips at it!

As always,  this is a very brief explanation of whats going on.  There's much more that could be said,  but ain't nobody got time for dat!  This'll give you a little insight anyway.  See you next post.

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