Jun 18, 2014

the music of 98

The beginning of these video projects is always the best part.  Rediscovering all the things that came out in the year and the memories that come with them is a rush!  The finished videos often receive comments to that effect, but for me the nostalgia happens during the research stage. [By the time the video is done I'm well and truly sick of everything, having seen it over and over again!]

Music is the first thing to be investigated.  I start with the top 100 songs of the year in the US and the UK and then move on to other lists of singles and albums from the year.  I check the contributor page at the end to make sure I didn't miss anything, and I always miss something.  This year there were quite a few gems that I hadn't discovered elsewhere; like The Cardigans and Emillia.  Thanks contributors.

An example song list. US Top 100 singles of 1998.
Moving through the various lists.  Each song's release date is checked to make sure it came out in 1998.  If it did,  I find the music video online and download it.  This makes a nice folder full of songs that also serves as a final list.

In the first videos I made, I wasn't very careful about checking release dates so those vids have many songs that came out the year before.  It could be argued that this was a better way to do it as you remember the songs from when they were hits, not necessarily the year they were released.  But it also makes it more difficult to decide which year a song belongs in without some kind of final authority.  So I decided that the actual release dates would determine which video the songs will feature in. 

There are other complications too.  Like different release dates in different countries or albums being released earlier than singles. I think I'll explain the loose rules about these kinds of things in a dedicated post another day.

A peek inside my 1998 songs folder
Right now though, my final list is sitting at a clean 220 songs!  That's about what I always end up with and is far too many tunes to feature in the final video.  About half of them will need to be culled away by the time it's finished.  Ideally I'd like Remember vids to be around 10-12 minutes long.  The last couple were too long in my opinion.  Let me know what you think in the comments.

With every video I rediscover songs that I had almost forgotten existed.  Some are great finds, others are maybe better left forgotten.  Here's a sampling of stand outs from this year:

How did I forget about this great song?

What's she gonna look like with a chimney on her?

Better not forget to include Green Day this time!

Remember when P.E. sampled Buffalo Springfield?


  1. I think these videos should be about 12 minutes long and I think that such a length adds strongly to the appeal of the videos too. Certainly some will argue more content is better but i found the 88 video go on for too long and I felt that everything did not blend together well and did'nt enjoy it much. With that said I think videos like 97,99 and 06 are smashing and underrated(because views of these videos are in hundreds of thousands not millions other than 99) I come back to watch them often so yeah length need not go on for too long but thats my opinion.

    1. Cheers, appreciate your opinion.

    2. While I do like the 1988 video immensely, I can agree with
      you that a video with an over-extended length can tend to

      Also, I can't seem to understand while 2006 is as appreciated as the others because I really liked that one, too. Maybe because the material is a little too recent.

    3. The whole recency factor is probably why 2006 isn't as well liked as other videos. People said that it was the video that "jumped the shark", but from an editing standpoint, it was by far one of the best.

    4. Haha, I remember those 'jump the shark' comments! I did 2006 because I wanted an even spread of years throughout the decades. I'm not very excited about doing another year this recent though. At least for a while. We'll see.

  2. I wonder how your hard drive is able to be loaded with all those songs
    without crashing or have its storage space completely depleted. Do you
    put the songs you keep on the video on external copies and delete them from your main drive after you're done?

    1. I store everything on a different drive than the operating system so it doesn't interfere. Plus it's a pretty huge drive! 1TB I think. I don't delete everything afterwards, but archive everything used in the video down to one file. That way I can retrieve it all at a later date if necessary.

  3. i think 17 mins is just perfect to do for a video they dont need to be 10 or 12 mins adding a little more time gives you more space to add in alot of things and 1998 was a huge year

  4. Oh, okay I understand. I'm just curious on how all these large files get stored on one drive. :)

  5. I think that 15 minutes is a good time. More content!
